
Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

We're Live Match - $900
What a great kick-off! Now let's continue to celebrate by sharing where your gifts helped throughout the day.
Dollar Dash
Which Orange Passion will raise the most support during Give Orange? Don't miss your chance to keep your group at the top of the leaderboard!
Rank Orange Passion Raised
1 Athletics $110,116.90
2 College of Arts & Sciences $43,486.99
3 Spears School of Business $18,584.70
4 Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources $15,793.00
5 America's Greatest Homecoming Celebration $12,367.00
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Early Bird Challenge - $350
Good morning Cowboys and Cowgirls! Make a gift between the hours of 7 A.M. and 9 A.M. CDT, and you'll be entered to win a $350 donated to the project your choice!
Rank Department Gifts
1 America's Greatest Homecoming Celebration 8
2 College of Arts & Sciences 8
3 CEAT 7
4 College of Education 5
5 OSU Student Media 5
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PhilanthroPete Challenge - $500
Cowboy crowdfunding is excited to be a part of Give Orange! The top PhilanthroPete projects with the most gifts will receive an additional challenge gift!
Rank Prize PhilanthroPete Leaderboard Gifts
1 $250 Cowboy Strong Student Emergency Fund 81
2 $150 Pete's Pet Posse 36
3 $100 OSU Student Media 25
4 Andrew M Steadley Memorial Scholarship 7
5 John R. Ritter Memorial Scholarship 2
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Night Owl Challenge - $350
This one's for our Cowboys up late at night. Make a gift between the hours of 8 P.M. and 2 A.M. CDT, and you'll be entered to win $350 donated to the project of your choice!
Rank Department Gifts
1 Spears School of Business 13
2 CEAT 10
3 Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 9
4 College of Education 8
5 College of Arts & Sciences 5
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#GiveOrange Social Media Challenge - $150
Post a #GiveOrange Unselfie, and you could win $150 for your orange passion. Write the project you supported and why! Tag #GiveOrange in your post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. A winner will be drawn at random April 12 at 2:00pm. Download yours in the updates section!