43% of students at Oklahoma State University are food insecure. Food insecurity is the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
A survey was developed and distributed by e-mail to a random sample of 5,000 OSU students. Of the 544 students who completed the survey, 43% were food insecure (17% were low food secure and 26% were very low food secure). With food insecurity comes academic, health and emotional consequences.
In January of this year, 45 faculty, staff, and students came together to brainstorm solutions to basic needs insecurity on campus. In addition to looking at barriers that exist and marketing and educational programming around basic needs insecurity, the group developed ideas for immediate and long-term (systemic) solutions that can be implemented on campus.
By contributing to this fund you will be supporting the solutions that come to fruition in the coming months. With your help, we can lower this statistic and make sure that OSU students get the help and resources that they need.